

Polibeli is a B2B online wholesale platform created for SMEs in Indonesia. Their concept is making everything easier for the clients with their strong supply chain capabilities and reliable ecommerce platform. PiEE collaborated with Polibeli to fulfill their mission. The main goal is to optimize the available space, ensuring functionality while minimizing wasted area. The focus is on creating bright, modern, and comfortable workspaces and cultivating an environment conducive to productivity. This strategic approach aims to utilize all the potential of each individual so that, in the end, it will produce optimal results. By integrating innovative design concepts and maximizing efficiency, the renovated office space seeks to align with Polibeli’s vision for a dynamic and thriving work atmosphere.

Project Name: Polibeli
Clients: Polibeli
Location: Sahid Sudirman Center Jakarta
Project Type:

We have expertise in providing professional services and solutions in the field of Interior Design.